Onychomycosis / Fungal Toenails

Onychomycosis / Fungal Toenails

Avoiding Irritating Toenail Fungus

Prevention is key to avoiding a fungal infection. The following tips can help you avoid toenail fungus.

  • Practice good hygiene and inspect feet and toes regularly
  • Try not to injure your nail by cutting it too short, as trauma to the nail may lead to infection
  • Wear moisture wicking socks
  • Wear dry, proper-fitting shoes that allow air to circulate around your feet
  • Wear shower sandals when you are at a public pool or shower

Left untreated, a fungal infection can spread to other toenails, the skin on the feet and even the fingernails. Severe cases can impair one's ability to walk or lead to painful ingrown toenails. It's important to seek care when you notice signs of infection.

If you're ready to eliminate your toenail fungus, contact our Livonia office and learn more about our various treatment options. We can evaluate your fungal infection and make recommendations for best treating and eradicating your toenail fungus once and for all.